Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Night Favorites

Sunday night is my night off. I don't cook supper. That in itself makes Sunday night one of my favorites! We usually eat popcorn or something out of a Schwans box. But, one thing that I will make is Butterfinger milkshakes! One of our favorites!

Take the following simple ingredients....

Add to the blender that we got 30 years ago as a wedding gift....

And, you get a yummy shake! Almost better than Sonic or Dairy Queen! Almost...

Another favorite for Sunday night, is watching The Amazing Race! I love this show! We are cheerin' for the cowboys from Oklahoma! Come on Jet and Cord, make us ranch people proud!


  1. Looks like we should've visited tonight! : )

    Go Jet and Cord!!!

  2. We are cheering for them in our house too!

  3. We haven't watched for awhile but I hope that means they are still in it!

  4. Yep! Last night they came in first!
